


This small goby was quite skittish and I had to move very slowly to get this shot of his eyes. The reflection definitely made it worth while. Rye Pier, Victoria, Australia. Shot with a Nikon d80, 60mm lens and 2 X DS-51 strobes.
Photocomp April '08 - Open


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The BendsThe Bends
Ask any scuba diver what is the one thing they fear most when diving and they will tell you it is the bends. However, if you get a group of divers together they will no doubt joke that '... we will probably all end up bent sooner or later!'. I myself often joked to friends and family that 'I'll probably just end up bent ...' and like most divers I used to think that it would never happen to me ... but it did. I got bent.
Underwater Card 2