Candy Crab

Candy Crab

Candy Crab

It is not uncommon to discover the beautiful Soft coral or Candy crab Hoplophrys oatesii contentedly perching among inflated branches or on their fleshy terminal “blossoms” of the cauliflower soft corals Dendronephthya. Raja Ampat, Indonesia.
Photocomp June '10 - Open


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Diving Raja Ampat - The Resort Experience in MisoolDiving Raja Ampat - The Resort Experience in Misool
In 2004, a group of Europeans set up a resort in the middle of nowhere about four hours by speedboat from Sorong, West Papua. Batbitem, an island near the Fiabacet-Boo chain in the southeast Misool area of Raja Ampat was to be the new 'Eden'.
Underwater Card 2