Yamaha Seascooters

Underwater Card Discounts

Quote your Underwater Card number to qualify

Sales + Showroom
10 Centennial Circuit,
Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
(+61)2 66809410
Last Updated

2023-09-12 16:26:52

Yamaha Seascooters

A whole series of Yamaha Seascootersâ„¢. Effortless gliding through the water above and below the surface, that is what riding a sea scooter is all about and the new Yamaha Seascootersâ„¢ are unbeatable when it comes to value, weight and speed.

Think propeller assisted snorkel around your local beaches. Think of exploring the ocean from your boat. Think throwing it in the back of the car on you next road trip to explore new shores, bays and beaches.


Winners of the 1st Underwater Australasia Video Competition 2009-10 Winners of the 1st Underwater Australasia Video Competition 2009-10
Underwater Australasia's 1st annual Video Competition has just come to an end and prizes were announce in the months underwater eNEWS. The task was to produce videos not longer than 3 minutes with a minimum of 80% of the clip duration underwater.
'Seascooter Simon' - a side-by-side review of the Seadoo Explorer and VS Supercharged 'Seascooter Simon' - a side-by-side review of the Seadoo Explorer and VS Supercharged
Right off the bat I want to make it clear that, to the best of my knowledge, I've never used an underwater scooter before.
Underwater Card Discounts

Quote your Underwater Card number to qualify

Sales + Showroom
10 Centennial Circuit,
Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
(+61)2 66809410
Last Updated

2023-09-12 16:26:52

Underwater Card 2