Pau Pilau - Biological Wetsuit Cleaner
Pau Pilau Biological Wetsuit Cleaner
Pau Pilau is a natural wetsuit cleaner formulated for use in neoprene. It is the environmentally safe way to clean a wetsuit, economical and easy-to-use concentrate that will penetrate into the pores of neoprene and consume all foul smelling organic matter such as urine, mold and algae residue.
Pau Pilau natural wetsuit cleaner is a bacterial formulation found in nature that rids neoprene of harmful organic waste.
Pau Pilau is dormant (in the bottle) and once activated in water immediately seeks out organic waste as its food and energy source. When you wash a wetsuit with Pau Pilau the by product is water and carbon dioxide, just as in decomposition and recycling in nature.
Pau Pilau wetsuit cleaner was discovered by an experienced surfer while working for Drainbo Natural cleaning products. Looking for truly effective way to clean a wetsuit and deodorize it, he was able to use existing technology and fine tune it to amazing effect.
Pau Pilau cleaning products were created as an alternative to those 'natural products' that never really work so well.
Instead, our product is a several-strain natural formula that REALLY WORKS without the chemicals, caustics, acids and solvents that are very hazardous to you, the environment and your wetsuit.
Bottle - contains 8oz - 237ml
Please contact us about availability.
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